How To Enhance Your Customer Experience ‘Review’
“ Ask yourself what is not going to change over the next 10 years?”- Jeff Bezos.
Think about all of the disruptions we have experienced in business. Many did not come as a result of “abracadabra moment”, but as a result of enhancing the experiences of each customers. You may argue that technology played a great role in disrupting, but I know that all technology did was to improve on a working strategy by improving customers’ experience.
For instance, The UBER moment was a transition from regular cab hailing service to one with more convenience and more security. As a customer you feel at ease when you order for a taxi. Also, remember Amazon, it became a disruptive service as it helped people change the way they feel about delivery services. As a customer your order is delivered in less than two hours. Plus, it is quite so popular we all forgot how it started.
Selling customer experience is also selling to the brain, as 100% of our decisions are based on emotions and made unconsciously , we only tend to rationalize some more than the others. Your customer needs to fall in love with your products or services to be able to believe and buy into it. He can be left to post-rationalize his buying decision later.
Currently studied as User Experience, UX in website development, understanding the perception of your customers would help your business grow.
Is your content made for you or for your customers?
In creating your content, your customers must be the most single thing you care about. Many product writers and marketers when writing are concerned with how best to put all of the information about the product. But what is important to your customer is ‘why should I care about your product or service?’
Listen to your customers: Before writing any piece of content, always hear what your customers’ need. On your website, create a feedback channel to get your customers speak. Ensure you have social listening tools to respond actively when your brand is mentioned on social media.
Engage them in conversation: Tell the stories your audience want. Through surveys, event behaviors and onboarding programs, be sure you are connecting with your customers. Even when you collate data using analytics tools, implement the insights received from the data into your process.
Help them meet their needs: Understand your customer’s pain points and find ways to satisfy their needs beyond your content marketing efforts. Be curious and creative in solving the needs in your customer lifecycle with your brand.
3 Things Your Customer Wants:
“People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
- Acknowledgement: Similar to a new born baby, your customer wants you to notice him/her and acknowledge the relationship they have with your business. Things like gifts during the holidays, discounts, promotions, interviews, response to mails, reviews and tweets would have a great impact on their overall brand experience. Be focus on meeting with their needs.
- Positive Feedback: Customers today do not buy product just because it is good. The unique experience and value you provide are what keeps them loyal. Your customers want to be sure that you listened and implemented their feedback.
- Instant Gratification: I am definitely no expert and even a degree at CXL Institute won’t make me one, but it is certain that Facebook and Instagram has fed on the release of dopamine sent into our body after a like or a follow. Just an applause on Medium has encouraged me to continue to write. Now imagine if this rush and feeling is translated to your customers. It is no longer about your product or service but how this product or service makes your customers feel, minus of a good dose of opium/alcohol.
Great Customer Experience Is Highly Relevant To Your Customers
Today, as I adorned my hair and dressed in a flowery white dress and white sandals. I wondered why beauty is made important. I stopped wondering when I heard, “Girl, you look so hot”. Call me vain, but Omo x 1000, it was worth the effort put into dressing up. Before you decide I am not a member of your WhatsApp group and I should only dress up for myself. Well, I got a free movie ticket just for being considered beautiful.
It was then I realized that beauty though subjective is quite relevant, as those considered beautiful seems to get exposure to different opportunities.
Similarly, great customer experience is quite relevant to your customer, exposing your business to the various profit opportunities.
Website: Beyond headlines, graphics, product information, website layout, what is most important is how relevant your website is to your customer. You have only 50 milliseconds to prove that it is.
Content: Ask yourself these:
Do you know what is relevant to your customer?
Is your message understood?
Why? Why not?
Your content needs to have a purpose that your audience can relate to. Show that your brand has something important to say and give your customers reason to do business with you.
Value Proposition: You can distinguish your business and boost sales by ensuring you communicate how relevant your value proposition is to your customers. It is what makes your product or services unique in the eyes of your customers. These days, your winning difference depends on who you are selling to more than the features of what you are selling.
This should not be confused with Unique Selling Proposition, as it is the main benefit your product or service offer to your target audience while Unique Selling Proposition is what makes your product or service unique.
For it to be considered a USP:
It must be unique
It must be desirable
It must be memorable
It has to be specific.
People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
If all else fails and you can manage to be reasonable interesting, your USP can simply be … you.